| 1. | Chapter three analyzes whether head office has a duty or not by internal law 第三章为总行有无责任的国内法分析,分为三节。 |
| 2. | Furthermore , the author pointed the fault and the blank of our internal law 在分析的过程中并指出了我国立法中的失误和空白。 |
| 3. | The theory opens out the historical succession and internal law of institutional innovation 这一理论揭示了制度创新的历史继承性和内在规律性,肯定了意识形态的反作用。 |
| 4. | The first is to secure by international conventions the unification of the internal laws of the various countries on as many legal topics as possible 第一种方法是通过国际公约以实现在尽可能多的法律主题方面各国国内法的统一。 |
| 5. | This essay concentrates on the following topics : firstly , the essay introduces the characteristics of epi , and analyzes them with the economic theories so as to declare the internal law of epi 本文的主要内容与思路如下:首先,介绍了电力行业的特点,并结合经济学理论就其特点进行了分析,旨在揭示电力工业的内在经济规律。 |
| 6. | The foreigners ' status in private law , as a system which is incorporated by international law and internal law , private law and public law , should not only embody , but lead to the found and development of , the common justice principles and values 摘要外国人的私法地位,作为一项结合了国际法与国内法、私法与公法的制度,不仅应当体现人类正义的原则与价值,而且应当引领对人类正义原则与价值的发现与发展。 |
| 7. | 7 . combining the yangliu river realignment project , some internal laws about the mechanical property of reinforced earth were studied thoroughly . applied the achievement to project design and construction , and achieved the expectant purpose 结合工程实践,深入而系统地研究了加筋土工程力学性质和似摩擦系数的变化规律,研究成果用于杨柳河整治工程设计和施工中,通过不同方案对比,达到了预期的目的,取得了较好的经济效益。 |
| 8. | He does not creat law , not does he invent law . what he does is to discover law , which can represent the internal laws of social life . rationality in this system can be classified into three categories : value rationality , cognition rationality and instrument rationality 立法者应该把自己看作是一个自然科学家,他不是在创造法律,不是在发明法律,而仅仅是在表述法律,他把社会生活的内在规律表现在有意识的现行法律之中。 |
| 9. | The fourth chapter discusses limitations on ftc in u . s . internal law . the author considers that the basket - limitation system is the core of the current u . s . ftc limitation system and the main function of the basket - limitation system is to prevent taxpayers to cross - credit foreign taxes and to maintain u . s . tax jurisdiction over foreign source income as greatly as possible while maintaining u . s . taxation of u . s . source income 该章认为,美国现行抵免限额制度的核心内容为分篮限额制度,而分篮限额的主要功能在美国联邦所得税法外国税收抵免制度研究于,防止纳税人综合境外的高税率所得和低税率所得进行所谓的“交叉抵免” ,在维护美国对境内来源所得征税权的同时,最大程度地维护其对境外来源所得的征税权。 |